PreIPO Network Logo
by Bespoke Talent

Some A-players engage... most don't

Great GTM talent is different

How do we attract great candidates?


Provide a private way to explore a role.


Deliver high-value curated content about the company, specific role, and hiring leader.


Let A-players control when they engage.


Enable them to represent themselves.

Candidate Experience

Confidential Exploration

Candidates search in private.

They choose when to engage.

Opportunity Clarity

Candidates can distinguish what's different.

Self Representation

Candidates want the feeling that they are starting the conversation with the leader, not layers of middle-people.

Hiring Leader Experience

Confidential Job Description

The site is invite-only and we track who has access so we can ensure any information conveyed is for the intended audience.

Messaging Consistency

You present you - your way, keeping messaging consistent. Together, we determine which content is working and which is not.

Top of Funnel Time Savings

Turn 2 hours into 200 pitch calls, allowing you to talk to candidates you otherwise wouldn't have.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Contact Us

Questions? Contact us below, and feel free to leave a video message (optional). Thank you!

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